
Showing posts from March, 2023

Hva betyr Ramadan!

Muslimer over hele verden skal faste mellom soloppgang og solnedgang. Men hva er egentlig ramadan, og hvorfor skal man faste? Ramadan er den niende måneden i den islamske kalenderen og er en fastemåned. Ramadan markerer profeten Mohammeds første åpenbaring, og da deler av koranen kom til profeten. – Under hele ramadan-måneden skal muslimer faste fra morgengry til solnedgang. Det er fire hovedgrunner til det. FELLESSKAPET, SOLIDARITET, TÅLMODIGHET,  DET ÅNDELIGE – Ramadan er viktig for fellesskapet. Muslimer over hele verden faster og ber sammen. – I tillegg er det et sterkt familiefellskap under ramadan når mange familier møtes til solnedgang for å bryte fasten sammen med et måltid. Det kalles for Iftar. Fastingen handler om solidaritet med dem som ikke har tilgang på mat og drikke. Når man faster en hel måned, får du en sterk påminnelse over hvilke privilegier du har. Det gir en mulighet til å reflektere rundt vanskelige temaer og å sette pris på maten du får når du bryter fasten....
  You are living in a world that is globalized for good; you would find people from across continents and the world in Norway. The place of northern light is famous not only for its natural splendor but also for being a place to visit, live and work.  The great thing here is that you are going to find a many variety of foods from across the globe. If you have a workforce that is Indian or you are hosting an Indian event, you can certainly find Indian catering . However, it would be important to know how and where to find Asian food, this is what you have to do to find good catering.  Ø   Sometimes it is good to follow the traditional method rather than the globalized one:  When it comes to Indian food or Pakistan food, you can truly enjoy the food when it is made in the way it should be cooked. There is no point in improving upon food by adding things that are not common to the culinary culture where the food comes from.  A tasty Indian cuisine wou...

How To Get Pakistani Food Catering In Sandvika?

Food must be good for many reasons, it is a fact that good fuels the body to do things and live. This would apparently mean you have to choose a good place to eat. Finding a good restaurant can be a little default given the options that you have.  When it comes to catering it gets even more complex because you would need good quality food for employees in your offices. If you are looking for Pakistansk catering , then you should and must know how to go about it. Here are a few ways to get good Pakistani food catering service.  Ø   Authentic Pakistani food:  The fact of the matter is that you have to differentiate between marketing gig and good authentic food. There could be hundreds of restaurants and catering services shouting loudly through marketing campaigns to choose them. You should not fall into the marketing trap, you need to ensure that you are going for a restaurant that serves authentic food.  You can get to know about it by talking to others ...